
46 5.3. Essential tools for remote working productively Since 2020, many eWork tools have been developed and some have emerged from the pack as they enable quality remote work management. Many professionals have been using these different tools to manage remote work by focusing on team management, time management, the organization of working time, but also the working environment. Indeed, a quality remote working environment will enhance team productivity. Here are some essential tools for remote working productively: 5.3.1. Online working environment First of all, it is important to create an online working environment that allows teamwork, information exchange and data collection. Google workspace: Google has developed several tools for collaborative online working. These complementary tools provide an online working environment that supports communication via Gmail and GMeet, the creation (collaborative or not) and sharing of documents via Google Drive, and the organization of work via Google Calendar. The advantage of Google Workspace is the connections between all the applications, making it possible to create a real workspace. ● Gmail is a free email service. You can easily send and receive emails. This tool also has a chat facility for instantaneous discussion. ● GMeet (Google Meet) is a videoconferencing service for instant video and audio communication with your contacts. GMeet offers the possibility of remote meetings with between 100 and 250 people simultaneously. ● Google Drive is a tool that allows file sharing in the Google cloud. Thanks to the tools available (Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Form...), it is possible to create, modify and share files, tables and presentations between Google Drive users. ● Google Agenda is an online calendar to collect all your meetings and tasks. This application allows you to share events and agendas with other users.