

Virtual teams: Key benefits of having a remote team

What Is a Virtual Team? Definition & Examples Virtual teams are replacing physical ones faster than anyone expected – and for good reason too! Many business owners have found that having a completely virtual team opens a wider talent pool with many benefits that can’t be ignored. So much so […]

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What Is a Virtual Team? Definition and Examples

What Is a Virtual Team? Definition & Examples “Virtual team” is an odd phrase. It sounds like something that only exists in a digital alternate reality. But virtual teams are very much a reality, and they’re becoming more prevalent with each passing day.   A virtual team is no longer […]

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The success behind virtual teams: The ultimate guide

The success behind virtual teams: The ultimate guide Virtual teams and dispersed teams became the norm in 2020. The way we work changed forever when 2020 came along and forced many of us to take part in the world’s biggest work-from-home experiment.   rEAD MORE

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Managing a Virtual Team 5 Ways to Build Culture

Managing a Virtual Team 5 Ways to Build Culture On a team connected primarily through computer screens and email threads, cultivating culture can be … challenging. To start, the idea of purposefully shaping something as seemingly organic as culture is counterintuitive. To complicate the problem, leaders managing a virtual team […]

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WHY ARE VIRTUAL TEAMS IMPORTANT? Over the past decade, the global shift towards remote, or virtual teams has been huge. According to the Office of National Statistics, 4.3 million people in the UK are in remote or virtual work. This has increased by almost 250,000 over the last 10 years. […]

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Virtual Teams in Times of Pandemic: Factors That Influence Performance

Virtual Teams in Times of Pandemic: Factors That Influence Performance In the digital age, the global software development sector has been a forerunner in implementing new ways and configurations for remote teamwork using information and communication technologies on a widespread basis. Crises and technological advances have influenced each other to […]

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1st Newsletter

1st Newsletter Welcome to the first Newsletter of the Virtual Teams Project In the first issue, you will find information about: The idea behind the project and its main objectives and the target groups Our project partnership  Our transnational project meetings  The progress of the project the first 12 months (Completed, […]

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Press Release 2

Press Release 2 Overview The COVID 19 pandemic enforces thousands of     organizations in Europe and the world to work remotely. This trend is growing faster than ever and shows no sign of slowing down. It is the future of work with benefits for both employers and employees. Still, many […]

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