
50 Instructions: Complete the following table with your answers and thoughts. Questions Answers Area for improvements Communication What is the most common form of communication used by your team? Is this the most appropriate way? Which digital tool do you use to strengthen communication? How often does the team communicate with each other? (Daily exchange? meeting?) Does my team communicate enough? Is it supportive communication? Which tool should be used to strengthen communication within the team? Organisation of work Are tasks completed on time? What are the factors of delay? How can they be overcome? What tool can be useful for monitoring activity? How are information/documents exchanged? Is information being lost? If so, why? How can these losses be overcome? Which digital tool is best suited to our practices? Have I set up an effective remote working environment? What improvements can I make? What can I put in place to create an effective working space? Reflection questions What can I do to make my team more productive? Do I set the tone for my team? Am I listening to the material needs (digital tools, etc.) of my team in terms of remote work?