
15 “check” on them and trust is built through transparency. Trust is one of the most highlighted areas of e-workers of all rankings through a company which was noted in Virtual Teams’ Project research is of highly importance and one of the most difficult to achieve through the transitioning to e-working environments. 4. Data backup and recovery: Transitioning from office work environment to eworking raises the importance of data backup and recovery since the work being developed is in virtual and the internet is used. Therefore, an automatic backup system is considered essential. 5. Network Security and Malware Protection: One of the biggest threats that organizations working remotely are facing is their system being hacked. This can be costly both in financial terms and on productivity. This highlights the need for companies to invest in good network security and malware protection while making sure that they are up to date for best protection (Ewaycorp, 2021). 2.4. Available tools for teleworking Providing e-workers with tools to work effectively and efficiently remotely starts from the basic elements of software and hardware (equipment). The best practice is for the organizations to provide them to the e-workers. The list was developed by the Virtual Teams’ Project research survey and through relative literature. Basic equipment: cloud-based technology, desktop monitor, headphones, internet access, keyboards, mouse. Tools for managing project work for e-working: Teamwork, Jira, AirTable, Asana, Pivotal Tracker, Trello, Whike.